1. Preparation
We need from you
- the text document in the PDF format. Please, follow the technical requirements A1-A4!
- Texts for a German and English summary to the supplement of the metadata. A maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces, is allowed. Formatting and characters, that can not be found on the keyboard, are forbidden. These summaries must not agree with summaries in the PDF document.
- In each case at least 4 keywords in German and English.
Please note:
- Among others, the cover must contain the date of the defence and the names of the referees.
- Personal data like date of birth and birthplace, the curriculum vitae and signatures may not be contained in the whole document.
Optionally you can submit a literature database and the original files of your text processing program.
2. Submission on the edoc-Server
- Register or login on the edoc server (see Submission)!
- Choose "Submit a new item to this collection"!
- Fill the form completely!
- Load the PDF file and if necessary other files on the server! Take advantage of the possibility to archive and publish research data!
- Agree to the terms of use!
3. Completion of the contract and publication certificate
The "Hochschulschriftenstelle" needs from you
- 2 signed paper copies of the publishing aggreement
- 1 ore more paper copies depending on habilitation regulation which you can also order directly there.
You can
- make an appointment with "Hochschulschriftenstelle"to hand over personally everything and to receive publication certificate and your contract copy, or
- get in touch by telephone or by e-mail to regulate everything by mail and pay for paper copies by transfer.
Please, note that the publication certificate is not automatically passed on to your deanship!