Susanna Trotta
Susanna Trotta
Susanna Trotta hat Interkulturelle Kommunikation (BA, Hons) an der Università di Genova (IT) und Global Migration (MSc, Distinction) am University College London (GB) studiert. Sie ist Doktorandin an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Betreuung: Prof Dr Wilhelm Gräb und Prof Dr. Regina Römhild) und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities. In den letzten Jahren hat sie mit Flüchtlingen als Sozialarbeiterin und als Aktivistin in Italien und in Deutschland gearbeitet. Sie hat auch ein Diplom im Fach Klavier am „Conservatorio N. Paganini“ in Genua (IT) abgeschlossen und nimmt an verschiedenen Musikprojekten teil.
Migration, Asyl, Religion, Vulnerabilität, Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Lokalisierung, Repräsentation
Curriculum Vitae
2019 - Gastwissenschaftlerin im Forschungsbereich Religiöse Gemeinschaften und nachhaltige Entwicklung
2018 - Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities
2017 - 2018 Sozialarbeiterin in einer Einrichtung für Asylbewerber*innen in Genua, IT
2016 - 2018 Aktivistin bei Refugees Welcome Italien
2015 - 2016 MSc Global Migration am University College London (GB)
2014 Praktikantin und ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiterin am Haus Leo - Berliner Stadtmission
2005 - 2009 BA Interkulturelle Kommunikation an der Università di Genova (IT)
1996 - 2007 Diplom Klavier am „Conservatorio N. Pagaini“ (IT)
Trotta, S. and Wilkinson , O. (forthcoming) ‘Local Faith Communities and Responses to Displacement.’ Chapter in Peter Searles-Adey et al. (eds) Handbook of Displacement, Palgrave Macmillan.
Faith and Positive Change for Children, Families and Communities (2020) ‘Practicing Our Faith Safely During a Pandemic’ Series. UNICEF, Religions for Peace, Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (contributor).
JLI, Multi-Religious Faith-in-Action (April 2020) ‘COVID-19 Campaign Guidance Document for Religious Leaders and Faith Communities.’ Washington DC: Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (contributor).
Trotta, S. and Wilkinson, O. (2019) ‘Partnering with Local Faith Actors to Support Peaceful and Inclusive Societies.’ Washington DC; Bonn: Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities; International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development (PaRD)
Wilkinson, O. and S. Trotta (2019) ‘Faith Actor Partnerships in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Scoping Study.’ Washington DC; Bonn: Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (JLI); International Partnership on Religion and Development (PaRD)
Wilkinson, O. and Trotta, S. (2019) ‘Local Faith Actors, Refugee Response, and Educational Initiatives’, Berkeley Forum, Berkeley Centre for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University (Blog post).
JLI (2018) ‘Faith Actors and the Implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees’, Policy Brief, Refugees & Forced Migration Learning Hub. Prepared, under the direction of Prof. Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Mr Fitzgibbon, and Dr Olivia Wilkinson (JLI Director of Research), by Susanna Trotta and edited by Maya Casagrande and Vittorio Infante.
Trotta. S. (2017) ‘Safe and Legal Passages to Europe: A Case Study of Faith-Based Humanitarian Corridors to Italy’, Working Paper, UCL Migration Research Unit.
Trotta, S. (2017) ‘Alternative safe and legal routes to refuge: the case of Faith-Based Humanitarian Corridors to Italy’, Refugee Hosts: Local Community Experiences of Displacement From Syria (Blog post).
Selected Conference Presentations
International Partnership on Religion and Development (PaRD) General Assembly of
Members - Copenhagen (Denmark) - Poster presentation on JLI Refugee and Forced
Migration Hub (May, 2) and presentation on preliminary results of JLI/PaRD study ‘Partnering with Local Faith Actors to Support Peaceful and Inclusive Societies.’
University of the Aegean, Mytilene - Lesvos (Greece) Contested Borderscapes: Transnational Geographies vis-à-vis Fortress Europe. Paper: Safe and Legal Passages to
Europe: A Case Study of Humanitarian Corridors to Italy (September, 29)
RGS - IGB Annual Conference - London (UK). Session: Faith and the Practicing of Social
Justice. Paper: Faith-based Engagements with Forced Migration: the Case of Humanitarian
Corridors to Italy (August, 30)
XXXII Congress of Italian Geographers - Rome (Italy). Session: The Mediterranean: for a
Critical Geography of the Frontier. Paper: Humanitarian Corridors. An Alternative to
Securitarian Externalizing and de-humanizing Policies? (June, 8)
University of Westminster - London (UK) Rights and Might: Cultural Counter-Narratives of
the Migrant and Refugee Experiences. Paper: Safe and Legal Passages to Europe: Faith-
Based Humanitarian Corridors to Italy (June, 23)
University of Bari (Italy) Escapes annual conference on forced migration. Paper:
‘Mediterranean Hope: the Case of Civil Society’s Humanitarian Corridors Initiative’ (June)