Jos Bijman
Associate Professor of Cooperative Entrepreneurship
Business, Management & Organisation Group
Department of Social Sciences Wageningen University & Research
Dr. Jos Bijman - Curriculum Vitae:
Teaching at BSc, MSc and PhD level. Topics: Essentials of Management; Institutional Economics and Economic Organisation Theory; Cooperatives & Producer Organisations; Advanced Business Research; Food Value Chain Research; Business Theories
Research, main topics: Interorganisational Relations in Value chains; Restructuring of Cooperatives and Producer Organisations
Summary of education
- Political Science and Economics at University of Amsterdam, The Netherland (MA diploma)
- Organizational Economics at Rotterdam School of Management/Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands (PhD diploma)
Summary of work experience
- 2013 – present: Associate Professor, Business Management & Organisation Group, Wageningen University & Research
- 2003 – 2013: Assistant professor, Management Studies Group, Wageningen University
- 1991 – 2003: (senior) Researcher at the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), Den Haag. Research subjects: Technology Assessment, Biotechnology, Innovation, Economic Organization, Agrifood Chains, Cooperatives
- 1990 – 1991: Lecturer in Technology Assessment at the University of Technology Delft, Faculty of Philosophy and Technical Social Sciences
Management of Projects
- Chair of organising committee of the ICA2018 Cooperative Research Conference, 4-6 July, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 180 participants. See:
- Project Manager of NWO/WOTRO-funded international and interdisciplinary research progam on “Local and International business collaboration for inclusiveness and Quality Improvement in Dairy chains in SE Asia and East Africa (LIQUID)” (2015-2020). Budget: 970.000 euro; 3 PhD student + 2 Postdocs.
- Project Manager of European research programme on “Support for Farmers’ Cooperatives”. Commissioner: European Commission, DG Agri; Budget. 1.5 million euro; Duration: January 2011 – November 2012; number of partners: 30. Output: 80 reports. See:
- Project Manager of the international interdisciplinary collaborative research programme “Co-Innovation for Quality in African Chains (CoQA)”, with 8 PhD projects and one Postdoc project. Budget: 1.5 millon euro. Collaboration with universities in Benin, South Africa and Ethiopia (2008-2013). See website: Supervisor of an Ethiopian PhD student on “Coordination Mechanisms for quality improvement and market access in Ethiopian potato value chains” (Graduated 2 July 2013)
Advisory Work for
- European Commission
- European Parliament
- Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands
- World Bank
- Dutch Council of Cooperatives (NCR)
- Various NGOs