ICA - CCR European Research Conference Berlin 2019

Viktoria Schäfer

CEO and Scientific Director ADG Scientific – Center for Research and Cooperation Montabaur, Germany


Viktoria Schäfer

Viktoria Schäfer

Her studies in Business Administration/Management at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Vallendar, Germany) brought her inter alia to McMaster University (Hamilton, Canada) and Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy) as well as to Chile, Mexico and the United States.
In her scientific researches, she takes a close look at Adam Smith‘s moral philosophy and the cooperative idea (dissertation), as well as cooperative leadership and the interface between values and the blockchain technology.
To honour her efforts within the research project„Virtue Ethics and the Cooperative Idea“, she got the SBE Founders‘ Award from the renowned Society for Business Ethics (Washington D.C.) in 2016.
As an expert for business ethics, she supports the product development of the Academy of German Cooperatives (ADG) and the ADG Business School and accompanies management boards of different industries to lead and shape organizations in terms of the cooperative idea.
Viktoria Schäfer is member of the Senate of Economy in Berlin and Bonn, Germany. The ethical prinicples of the Senate are foundation and guideline for the economic activity of the Senate‘s members. The Senate of Economy acts only in the interests of the common good and is in constant dialogue with represenatives of politics and economy. Amongst others, also the Honorary Senators Jean-Claude Juncker, Prof. Günther Verheugen, Prof. Klaus Töpfer, Prof. Jürgen Rüttgers and Rosi Gollan as well as the Honorary President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Prof. Mohammad Yunus, are valuable partners within the discourses of the Senate.